Photos: Portraits Of Pagans At NYC's Pagan Pride Festival

Anna Lewis plays with her daughter Maya Cousineau, 5, in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Lewis says, "I don’t really care if they (my children) are practicing Pagans later on but... I want them to feel apart of the earth and that they are important members of it."<br>
Anna Lewis plays with her daughter Maya Cousineau, 5, in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Lewis says, "I don’t really care if they (my children) are practicing Pagans later on but... I want them to feel apart of the earth and that they are important members of it."<br>
Cassi Alexandra / Gothamist

Alex Kanka-Graves with Network for the Realization of the Goddess a women’s spirituality group <br>
Alex Kanka-Graves with Network for the Realization of the Goddess a women’s spirituality group <br>
Cassi Alexandra / Gothamist

Crow holds a healing wand made of wood and smudge feather fan as he puts on his jaguar mask during the Pagan Pride Festival in Washington Square Park on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Crow says, “One of the most important things, before you become a shaman or medicine man, or whatever you have to heal yourself before you can heal others and I’m still working on that for myself.”<br>
Crow holds a healing wand made of wood and smudge feather fan as he puts on his jaguar mask during the Pagan Pride Festival in Washington Square Park on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Crow says, “One of the most important things, before you become a shaman or medicine man, or whatever you have to heal yourself before you can heal others and I’m still working on that for myself.”<br>
Cassi Alexandra / Gothamist

Nami Ouellette and Bruchez and Kristin Brayman, owners of The Fairy Apothecary, pose for a portrait in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016. The Fairy Apothecary creates custom fragrances, lotions and soaps; Brayman said, "People tend to push a gender identity on a fragrance so we are trying to pull that back (for instance) if you’re a guy and want to small like strawberry short cake then go for it, if you’re a girl and you want to smell like tobacco caramel then go for it—we are working with more alternative communities such as people who are agender or transgender and are looking for someone who can find them a fragrance that is not going to push a narrative on to them."<br>
Nami Ouellette and Bruchez and Kristin Brayman, owners of The Fairy Apothecary, pose for a portrait in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016. The Fairy Apothecary creates custom fragrances, lotions and soaps; Brayman said, "People tend to push a gender identity on a fragrance so we are trying to pull that back (for instance) if you’re a guy and want to small like strawberry short cake then go for it, if you’re a girl and you want to smell like tobacco caramel then go for it—we are working with more alternative communities such as people who are agender or transgender and are looking for someone who can find them a fragrance that is not going to push a narrative on to them."<br>
Cassi Alexandra / Gothamist

Dawn Hunt owner of Cucina Aurora Kitchen Witchery specializes in making mealtime magic by creating energy infused foods.<br>
Dawn Hunt owner of Cucina Aurora Kitchen Witchery specializes in making mealtime magic by creating energy infused foods.<br>
Cassi Alexandra / Gothamist

Veronica Spettmann poses for a portrait after performing at the Pagan Pride Festival in Washington Square Park on Saturday, October 1, 2016.<br>
Veronica Spettmann poses for a portrait after performing at the Pagan Pride Festival in Washington Square Park on Saturday, October 1, 2016.<br>
Cassi Alexandra / Gothamist

Roland Gilligans, owner of Highwinds Farm, poses for a portrait during the Pagan Pride Festival in Washington Square Park on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Highwinds Farm has been in business for over 25 years and blending herbs for over 5 generations.<br>
Roland Gilligans, owner of Highwinds Farm, poses for a portrait during the Pagan Pride Festival in Washington Square Park on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Highwinds Farm has been in business for over 25 years and blending herbs for over 5 generations.<br>
Cassi Alexandra / Gothamist

Indigo Delunazv, dancer with Witchmaste a tribal belly dance group which members are all of the Pagan faith, says “I love being a part of this community because it’s a multi faith community where everyone loves each other - no matter what it is, it is all about love… Treat someone the way you want to be treated, everything you put out into the universe will come back to you weather it is good or bad.” Delunazv poses for a portrait in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016.<br>
Indigo Delunazv, dancer with Witchmaste a tribal belly dance group which members are all of the Pagan faith, says “I love being a part of this community because it’s a multi faith community where everyone loves each other - no matter what it is, it is all about love… Treat someone the way you want to be treated, everything you put out into the universe will come back to you weather it is good or bad.” Delunazv poses for a portrait in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016.<br>
Cassi Alexandra / Gothamist

Dominick Guerrero, a candomble initiate and Tarot reader, poses for a portrait in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016.<br>
Dominick Guerrero, a candomble initiate and Tarot reader, poses for a portrait in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016.<br>
Cassi Alexandra / Gothamist

Amanda Yachechak poses for a portrait in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Yachechak identifies as a Celtic Eclectic Witch and says it felt like a homecoming when she found it.<br>
Amanda Yachechak poses for a portrait in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Yachechak identifies as a Celtic Eclectic Witch and says it felt like a homecoming when she found it.<br>
Cassi Alexandra / Gothamist

Starr Ravenhawk a witch and co-owner of Charmed by Starr’s eShoppe, poses for a portrait during the Pagan Pride Festival in Washington Square Park on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Ravenhawk says, “Within our own groups or covens we have all created a community then we come together (for festivals like the Pagan Pride Festival) and we realize we have different traditions but we are not so different and we are going to support one another because we are the ones (working) outside the norms.”<br>
Starr Ravenhawk a witch and co-owner of Charmed by Starr’s eShoppe, poses for a portrait during the Pagan Pride Festival in Washington Square Park on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Ravenhawk says, “Within our own groups or covens we have all created a community then we come together (for festivals like the Pagan Pride Festival) and we realize we have different traditions but we are not so different and we are going to support one another because we are the ones (working) outside the norms.”<br>
Cassi Alexandra / Gothamist

Venus Alers, owner of Pain Creations, says “My mission is to love the people in my life, bring them out of the box and allow them to feel free - that is all we need.” Aler poses for a portrait in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016.<br>
Venus Alers, owner of Pain Creations, says “My mission is to love the people in my life, bring them out of the box and allow them to feel free - that is all we need.” Aler poses for a portrait in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016.<br>
Cassi Alexandra / Gothamist

Natalie Reyes, owner of Skeleton Key Shop, poses for a portrait in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Reyes says, “It’s about being in tune with the world around you and the natural cycles of the world – seasonal changes, energetic shifts and intuition. That sums up witchcraft to me, it doesn’t necessarily mean casting spells.”<br>
Natalie Reyes, owner of Skeleton Key Shop, poses for a portrait in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Reyes says, “It’s about being in tune with the world around you and the natural cycles of the world – seasonal changes, energetic shifts and intuition. That sums up witchcraft to me, it doesn’t necessarily mean casting spells.”<br>
Cassi Alexandra / Gothamist

Courtney Weber, a Wiccan priestess, writer and tarot reader poses for a portrait in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Weber says, “We are a home for the personal and spiritual wanders – you not only can be yourself but you are also encouraged to be the best most magical fantastical version of yourself.”<br>
Courtney Weber, a Wiccan priestess, writer and tarot reader poses for a portrait in Washington Square Park during the Pagan Pride Festival on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Weber says, “We are a home for the personal and spiritual wanders – you not only can be yourself but you are also encouraged to be the best most magical fantastical version of yourself.”<br>
Cassi Alexandra / Gothamist